We’re very excited to have Keith Montgomery, lapidary artist from Tulsa, OK bringing his cabochon collection to the studio. Stock up on cabs for the holiday season or just add some special pieces to your collection. Photo gallery below. You can find examples of his cut material on Instagram @kwmlapidarystudio.
Date: Thursday, October 17th
Time: 5-PM
Visiting Lapidary Artist: Keith Montgomery
Location: Alloy Shared Studio: 1600 Genessee St. #625, Kansas City, MO 64102
Open House: No need to RSVP, just show up when it’s convenient for you to shop Keith’s awesome stones!
Keith grew up in Tulsa, learned to cut turquoise in Junior High, and in the mid-70s to early 80s supplied many of the local stores and jewelry makers in the Tulsa area. A graduate of OSU and KU, he spent 30+years in corporate America working in the energy and petrochemicals business, retiring in 2016.
Several years ago, he renewed his interest in cutting again. He set up KWMLapidaryStudio and now supplies quality cabochons to a range of jewelry makers in the region. His primary focus is on natural turquoise and variscite, with some stabilized turquoise, lapis, and whatever looks interesting to cut andwould look good in creative metalwork.