Twice a year, the beautiful and historic Livestock Exchange Building in the West Bottoms KC, opens its doors to the public to showcase the many talented artists who work there! Stop by and take a tour of the Alloy studios and ask us any questions you may have.
Date: Friday, November 15th
Time: 5 pm -9 pm
Date: Saturday November 16th Time: 11am - 3pm
Location: Alloy: A Metalsmithing Community 1600 Genessee St. KC, MO 64102 Studio #625
Open to public!
ALLOY MEMBERS will be showing and selling their work at this Fall’s event! Check them out on Instagram and come see them in person next week!
Teri Quinn - @rattlebonedesign
Nikole Collier - @nikole_larue_designs
Todd Caviness - @todd_caviness
Megan Horton - @Sydandgray
Miriam Iliff - @nblueco
Tarrah Anderson - @whiskeyandbone
Madi Sedillo - @madimadeinkansas
Larry Wells - master jeweler bringing lots of rings!