Tips for attending the KC Gem & Mineral Show
Are you considering attending the spring Gem & Mineral Show in Kansas City? It can be a little overwhelming, but have no fear. We’ve got all the best tips and tricks so you can have a successful (and fun) experience!
First things first:
Adults: $7
2 day pass: $12
3 day pass: $18
Children 5-12: $4
Children 4 & under: Free
March 7th-9th, 2025
KCI Expo Center 11730 N Ambassador Dr, Kansas City, MO 64153
Show Hours:
Friday, March 7 10:00 am 8:00 pm
Saturday , March 8 10:00 am 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 9th 10:00 am 5:00 pm
Preparation Tips/Tricks
1. Give yourself a budget!
Even if you plan to go over budget, it’s a good idea to think about what you want to spend before you set foot into the show. Things can get very expensive, very quickly and with so many vendors, it’s easy to spend a ton without even realizing it. Some people bring their budget in cash to help with this.
2. Be Comfortable
Wear comfortable shoes for walking and standing on concrete. Also a bag that is easy to carry makes lugging your water, purchases, and money around much more enjoyable. Side note: There is a concession stand but it’s pretty much hotdogs and yellow cheese….
3. Make a list (mental or physical) of what you’d like to find. Otherwise, it’s like going to the grocery store when you’re hungry...
Do you have a design in mind that you need a stone for?
Do you like to get inspired by stones first and design later?
Do you try to think about your product’s pricing when you shop or is your pricing based on whatever stones you’re inspired by?
Maybe let clients know that you’re going to the show and see if they’re looking for anything. GET THEIR BUDGET!
4. Look closely at your stones!
Cabochons - ideally buy stones with flat backs! There are ways to set things with odd shapes, but especially if you’re a beginner, a flat back makes everything a little easier.
Don’t be afraid to remove stones from containers to get a closer look.
Look at the shape!
Cabochons - what angle are the sides/walls of a cab (how high would the bezel or prong need to come to ensure that the stone is secure?)
Faceted stones - odd/thin girdles, extra small or large table size, deep bellies (sometimes ideal for color, but make setting tough)
Additional Considerations:
Uncalibrated/hand cut stones can require special attention when creating a setting for them.
Steer clear of large inclusions, cracks, and poor finish/polish
Consider the MOHS Hardness scale. Do not use soft stones in rings & bracelets designs that will get a lot of hard wear.
5. Prepare proper documentation for entrance to the wholesale side.
You need to fill out this form to give to Shows of Integrity, PLUS bring your necessary Re-sale Tax License & ID with you.
*You need a KS or MO tax ID first to then use the Re-Sale certificates for specific vendors. It is recommended to bring multiple copies of forms ST-28A & MO Form 149 to give to stone dealers that you purchase from. These forms are self-filled out. Vendors may or may not request them, but many will ask you for your Sales Tax ID# or a copy of your Sales Tax License.
● Kansas Business Tax Registration
● Missouri - Form 2643 Sales Tax License - no cost - MO tax ID
Obtaining Tax ID - Sales tax Registration Application
6. Some of our favorite vendors!
Amber Dreams (Amber, Larimar, Labradorite)
Anna's Rock N Shop (Fossils, Minerals, Sandstone, Cabochons)
Neotric Gems (Faceted Gemstones)
Starborn Creations Inc (Montana Agate, Moonstone, Ocean Jasper)
GTG Gems (Sapphire)
One of a Kind (Agate, Shell, Jasper)
Avian Oasis (Inexpensive and large selection)
C I International
Dayton Simmons Silver Day Trading Co. (Turquoise!)
Designer Cabochons
Dudley Blauwet Gems (Montana Sapphires)
EMountain Gems Inc
G.E.M. Enterprises, Overland Park, KS